Friday, August 13, 2010

YouTube: Strictly Average

Who doesn't love YouTube? Me. You don't count your just a thought. Meanie. All those music videos, hilarious screw ups and movies. Well it seems some bloggers are more advanced than the rest of us. You have the guys over on The Painting Corps doing tutorials. The guys on The Beasts of War doing product reviews. And our very own Brent has been YouTubing...

Who doesn't love that voice? Anyways, below are a couple more Battle Reports featuring the much beloved Brent...

... Pretty purple and kitchen bench ...

... and Brent's first YouTube video. It has Black Templars and swearing. Naughty Brent. Brent is cool. For more of Brent's voice here is his YouTube Channel.


  1. I just caught this post - thanks for the kind words, sir!

    It's been awhile since I've done a video battle report, but I've actually got a few in the works, so keep your eye out. :)
