Friday, August 06, 2010

Mercer's Ork Review

I was originally planning on starting the Ork series off with Kirby's Ork review. But that is slightly biased with the view that Ork's aren't a very competitive codex. I want to be clear that this is not a black and white thing. There is no absolute bad and absolute good choices. Everything is in a grey. So instead I will kick the series off with Mercer's Ork Review...
These are a few things I've learnt using Orks the past years, most the models I've played with, though the ones I haven't I will have noted and looked at them on paper. 
This is a repost from sometime ago, includes a few extra things. 
The Warboss is a power house and belongs in close combat. Give it a bike to make sure it gets there and increasing toughness (remember if you run Nob bikers with the Boss majority toughness rule will apply), or throw in a battlewagon as trukks are two weak for a high costing unit. 
The Boss has a load of wargear, a power klaw would be once of the best choices. You will strike last in combat but the S10 gain is so much more, add a attack squig to boost the attacks as well. Adding a twin linked shoota or combi shoota won't make any difference so your attacks and only cost 5 points. I would go for the combi skorcher, cannot miss with the poor ballistic skill and with S5 it will soften up before assault (not that the Boss needs it!). Best to take Eavy Armour and Cybork Body, you don't want the Boss taken down by bolter fire and you want it to survive in close combat against those none allowing save weapons. Though I tend to put my Boss with a unit of Nobz which run a Painboy, so I don't take the 'eavy armour and just use cybork body and feel no pain from the Painboy, if I can.
Depending on what unit your Boss is going to be attached to Mega Armour is a good choice. For 40 points you get 2+ save, a power klaw and a twin linked shoota. So you're paying a extra 20 points for a 2+ save and gain the Slow and Purposeful special rule - that shouldn't matter if you throw the Boss in a Battlewagon.
Big Mek 
Big Meks come with a massive range of wargear which can give you very different roles. 
A kustom mega blaster probably isn't worth it as the B.M's ballistic skill isn't that good, a Shokk Attack Gun is probably the best ranged weapon a Mek can lay its hands on. I've yet to roll a double, but with the variable strength it can be hard which to target if you don't get the dice to roll correctly, though it does have AP2. 
Another worth while item of wargear is the Kustom Force Field, it grants a cover save of 5+ to anything with 6" of it and counts vehicles as obsured which will give them a cover save of 4+. Throw the Mek with either a Shokk Attack Gun or a KFF with Lootas into a Looted Wagon (for smaller numbers) or a Battlewagon (better protection and holds bigger numbers) and you have a very strong anti infantry unit which has the vehicle as a line of defence, this can be doubled up to a second line of defence is the KFF is used. As measurements from the vehicles and not the model inside you can place another vehicle within 6" and it too will get a cover save. 
Though, if you're using Lootas with a Big Mek a boss pole would come in handy to stop them running away!
Close combat wise a Mek can take a burna of a power klaw. Both can be handy, though the Mek isn't a beast in combat for a HQ choice. 
Besides having a huge lump of wargear for different roles a Big Mek also allows one Deff Dread to be taken as troops choice - worth it? Could be, but not that much, though will free up heavy support slots if you fancy going battlewagon spam like I do. It only allows one to be taken as troops only, would be better if Deff Dreads could be taken as either troops full stop, or to balance it elites. 
Can be fun and for the points has decent attacks. Not really a HQ in my opinion and should be upgradable like a Painboy. Stick it with a unit of Boyz and make sure it doesn't get into base to base contact for assault as it is a independant character and won't last with a 6+ save and 2 attacks. 
Nobz are the ultimate close combat unit for Orks. They can be taken on bikes, but for 25 points extra per model and then other wargear can work out expensive, put them in a Battlewagon which works out to be cheaper and is dedicated transport too. Best to give a mix of a few big choppas for S7 hits on the charge and one or two Power Klaws for S9 attacks last on the charge. 
Make sure to give them Eavy Armour so bolter fire doesnt't rip through them and Cybork Bodies for 5 points per model is good, but you have to pay 50 points to get the Painboy. But taking a Painboy also gives you feel no pain, I use this more than 'eavy armour and have cut down on points, can be handy if you're wanting to shave points.
Waaagh! Banner is also a worth piece of wargear, will let Nobz hit on 3's most of the times and with the high amount of attacks its going to be a lot of attacks. 
Remember, with Nobz to give them all different wargear. This way you can play with the wound allocation system and as they're multi wound models they all need to be wounded once before removed. Though easy way to get around this is shot them with instant death weapons, so a battle cannon shell or more is to be feared. 
Nobz with a 2+ save and each a Power Klaw and a twin linked Shoota not else much to say.
Make sure they go in a Battlewagon, no point in taking paper thin Trukk as it will get blown to pieces and the Slow and Purposeful rule will make sure they don't reach combat any time. Throw in a few Combi Skorchas for good measure. However, points wise these can be a lot and can be a point sink. 
Firstly don't upgrade to normal Mek's, they really aren't worth it and don't add anything to the unit. Obivously need to be in a looted wagon or battlewagon, which both annoyingly counts as heavy support and is being used as a transport. You need to get close with these, stay in the wagon and burn. Laying down 15 S4 templates is nasty! Don't expect them to last though if they get in the open or make combat as they only have 6+ save. 
For 15 points they are over costed as they are normal Boyz but with a flamer, should more be like 10 points and have dedicated transport option. Personaly I wouldn't bother with them, I think they're a one use unit like Eldar Fire Dragons. Sure they put the pain in but anyone who will clock onto them will pop the transport and then gun them down. 
Orks with a 6+ and no transport, move on attempt to hit with Rokkits then get shot to shit. Hopefully something is in assault range to use those hammers, but take damage from a exploding vehicle and chances are you won't save it any way. I wouldn't really entertain these personally. 
Will tear infantry to pieces and take wounds from monstrous creatures easily. Make sure take high numbers to get more shots and is a must really to put them in a Battlewagon as can hold more and a Looted Wagon has that gay special rule, you don't want to end up moving as you cannot fire!  
Throw them in with a Big Mek and use a KFF for cover, or Shokk Attack Gun for extra fire power. The KFF will provide the battlewagon with a 4+ cover save and then the wagon itself needs to be popped. They can be a seriously annoying unit, best take multiples though as they can be a easy target or run off easy if a Big Mek isn't around with a boss pole.
Orks with a 6+ save which can outflank - yay! I wouldn't waste my time as they don't have anything appealing, really. Boss Snikrot is a nice model though. Sure they might do a little bit of damage, but I wouldn't count on them as a game changing unit. 
6 points per model, 2 attacks with crappy ballistic skill and save, but they're meant to be in combat and with weight in numbers and the Ork Mob rule they will stay in combat and dish out loads of shooting attacks (some have gotta hit!). 
I personally take shootas for firepower, with large mobs they must cause some damage. I don't think the additional attacks are need so much, considering you cannot get all 20 Orks with 2" combat range and the sheer amount of Boyz charging will generate enough attacks to clobber most things. 
Always take a Nob with a Power Klaw and a boss pole, Boyz will fall in high numbers and been able to re-roll that morale test can save the day. 
I haven't used thse but for 3 points a model they could be used for good objective claimers, especially as they come in big units. Can use them for cover saves as well, thats really about it with the small green ones.
Same points as a Rhino which isn't bad considering is a fast vehicle, but it its open topped and armour 10 all the way around, perhaps could be 5 points cheaper. Average run of the mill transport really with a funky special rule. Not much more to say. Doubt I would add any wargear really, red paint job allows it to move a extra inch could be a bit of use but thats it. 
Storm Boyz 
Boyz which can move 12" and have a 6+ armour save and no way to protect themselves. Will need large units to take wounds and at double the cost as normal Boyz I think they're expensive. 
Like a Trukk but 5 points less and no transport compactiy. Either the Trukk is undercosted or the Warbuggy is overcosted as they are exactly the same. Looking at the weapon upgrades Skorcha needs you to get up close, doubt that will happen with armour 10. Big Shoota is run of the mill and would be better on a mob of 20 Boyz, twin linked Rokkit is ok but still armour 10... Mike, from Whiskey & 40k, has a short but clear comparison of the Warbuggie and Deffkopters.
Can be used for either a support unit, a unit to tie up elites or to get into the fight first and soften up other units. They have a 4+ cover save which is ok and the Dakkaguns are twin linked so they can add some decent fire power support. Throw in a Nob with a Power Klaw and they can zoom up to tanks and rip into them. Perhaps the best of the Ork Fast Attack units, but I'd rather take other things. 
Perhaps the best Ork fast attack choice in the army. The deffkopter has scout and jetbike special rules, so if you get first turn turbo boost these suckers ahead. Then in your turn move 12" and bring on the pain. If you don't get first turn outflank is always a option, for some. I don't really rate outflank though, your hoping to get the right dice roll to appear on the correct side of the table. Personaly I'd rather turbo boost them and get the cover save, or just hide them well enough.
Twin linked rokkits rule on these things. Take out a vehicle and they've done their job. Throw in a buzzsaw and they can charge vehicles as well.
One tactic is to have deffkopters in single units, this way you've got three targets which will take a mass of fire power from unit just to down it or a powerful shot, both could be used for wrecking vehicles or killing mass Orks. Might give extra kill points, but who cares if they bust vehicles the first turn or just used to take fire power instead of other valuable units. I will post the Deffkopter and Warbuggy comparison later on...
Can be used for a multiple of things from a massive hard transport to a large battery. Make sure to add a Big Shoota on whatever you take so if you get a weapon destroyed it doesn't turn into immobilised if no weapon is added, is also helpful when baling out and going into the fight to take one or two wounds on the enemy before. 
If taking a Killkannon I would take the 'ard case so attacks don't get to +1 on the vehicle chart, a big gun can be useful if got the points spare Kannon is probably the most affective as the Zzap gun is too random. 
I think its worth taking red paint job as that 1" could help and seems the battlewagon is open topped you can assault out of it even if you move 12". Don't put a 'ard case on if you're using it as a transport as you cannot assault out of it, or put Lootas in a 'ard case battlewagon because you lose the all round firing ports.
Deff Dread 
Same as a Marine Dreadnought but crap at shooting and a load more attacks. 
Big Shoota for the amount of fire or a nice Skorcha seems you'd be wanting to get this into close combat. Throw on a extra dccw too to make it cause more havoc!
Killa Kans 
Mini Deff Dreads! You can get two of these with basic weapons for a bit more than a Deff Dread, combined they have one less attack each but better ballistic skill so a Kustom Mega Blaster would do ok here, though it is pricey. A Grotzooka is a nice choice but they can also lay down nice fire support with BIg Shootas and anti tank with Rokkits, but Kans should be in combat so a Skorcha is nice before leaping in. 
Also with these babies you can take 1-3 per heavy support choice unlike the Deff Dread! Though beware of the vehicle squadron rules which makes immobilised vehicles wrecked. Also in squadrons armour plates are a waste.
Flash Gitz 
Don't see much use for these, ok have a better armour save than most Orks and there weapons have a random AP, but I'd rather have a fixed AP so I know at least the AP will kill whatever its aimed at I.E Shokk Attack Gun. Chances are will roll high for a AP3-4 which isn't good. 
Big Gunz 
20 points for a Marine rocket launcher which is armour 10 or two wounds before it comes un-useable. Is ok, zzap gun might be a little too much on the points seems strength is on the roll of the dice. I would stick them on a battlewagon really and have a massive battlewagon gun fortress. Never been a fan of artillery. 
Looted Wagon 
Yay transport for all the units which don't have a dedicated one which takes up a heavy support slot. Or add a boomgun onto armour 11 and see how long it lasts. Unfortunately these are wasted, could be dedicated transport for some units if the boomgun isn't taken like the Killkannon.
Ork Army Lists
Ork army list tend to mostly come in two flavours, mech and foot. 
Mech lists have plenty of battlewagons and trukks. Unfortunatley you can only get battlewagons in heavy support and are limited as dedicated transport for Meganobz and Nobz, which kind of sucks. Trukks are ok but very weak. Screen these behind the strong battlewagons or send them forward to act as decoys. Either way the Orks in the trukk will provide a service, they will stop your battlewagons getting shot up or getting ignored and then they will have their turn. 
If you are going mech try and take as many battlewagons as you can.
Foot lists work around a Kan wall tactic. This list works with max Killa Kanz and several Big Meks. The Big Meks take kustom force fields and the Kanz go at the front of the army forming a Kan wall. The KFF on the Meks give the Kanz a 4+ cover save, the Kanz give anything behind a 4+ cover save also.
When doing a Kan wall army always max the Kans per heavy support choice.
In a Ork list I would always make room for certain units these are: 
Lootas, very good for ranged support when you mech or foot army advances. Goot for infantry and ok for medium armour vehicles. 
Deffkopters work well in any army. They are so easy to use with basic tactics. Use them as one hit units and if they do the job then brilliant, if they don't they end up taking fire away from other units. If they survive getting shot at then they have done well and its just a case of repeat and rinse with these.
Hope that helps and if you have anything to add or any comments please feel free :)
- Mercer in Ork Takkica
This may not be the best codex review with some things disagreeable. But I felt it didn't tread on too many toes this isn't YTTH after all. There will be more from Mercer but I strongly encourage you to head over to his blog, Imperius Dominatus.

Disclaimer - Content taken without permission. Minor cosmetic changes have been made to the layout blame my OCD.

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