Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hall of Honour - Corflich Loatheheart

Below is one of the Sagas that was written some time ago by Adam Troke. I'm assuming it is Adam Troke... article has his name on it. This one has Dark Eldar in it...
When the Murderval of Chaos was defeated upon the Eldar world of Lohiac, Ssair the Gleamling was in a serious Predicament. The Dark Eldar had denied the Daemons entry to the webway, and left the host bloodied and humiliated. With the Ssair's power and influence waning, it was unsurprising that a rival should seek to gain prominence in his stead - this was Corflich Loatheheart, a beautiful and cunning Daemon Prince sworn to Tzeentch.
With the deft manoeuvring so typical of Tzeentch and his minions, Loatheheart duped the Greater Daemon of Slaanesh into yielding power of the Murderval into his stewardship on promises that it would be returned once it had claimed its millionth soul for Tzeentch. Of course, the oaths of a Daemon Prince are a dubious thing and it was not long before Ssair found himself imprisoned within the Impossible Fortress, the Murderval fully under new management.
The first act of Corflich was to strike out against the agri-world of Dortun, where the populace were eradicated in three nights of bloodshed and debauchery. Upon the Tau sept world of Vior'la they stole away three hundred Fire Warriors and deposited them within the Garden of Nurgle, much to his delight (and their short-lived horror).
Grandest of all his schemes was the vengeance that he enacted upon the Eldar survivors of the battle of Lohiac. A band of Dark Eldar, enacting a precise and deadly raid deep within Imperial territory were mortified to find a raid upon the death world of Raith. The pickings were not quite as the Dark Eldar had expected, however, as they arrived to find the Imperial Guard garrison already slaughtered to a man. Sensing a trap they quickly turned to depart but their escape was blocked by the shimmering host of the Daemonettes. Vengeance for the Murderval's thwarted plans on Lohaic was taken in full as scores of Dark Eldar were cut down and dragged screaming into the Realm of Chaos.
The Archon leading the Dark Eldar force was finally run to ground within the thick jungle of Raith by Loadtheheart, who swooped down from the trees to pluck her up like a bird of prey. Disarming her in a short and bloody fight, and having broken both her arms and legs, Loatheheart delivered her quailing form to Slaanesh's Palace of Pleasure, a token and tribute from the new master of the Murderval.
- Adam Troke in Corflich Loatheheart
Disclaimer - Content taken from the Games Workshop website without permission and will be removed if requested.

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