Friday, December 31, 2010

Weekly Finds #9

Last day of the year. And boy has it felt like a roller coaster with its ups and downs. On the hobby front there has been a steady stream of new, and well balanced codices. There is the reliable reports of Grey Knights coming out next year, some time around April, as well as rumour of Black Templars. I've also begun to work on the Victorian Crusade again after almost two years of mostly silence. On a personal note I'm almost finished my first University degree, started a blog which people actually follow and comment on and I've gotten engaged to my high school sweet heart. But onto the last finds of the week for 2010...

Guest Article: Cheap and easy Sanguinary Priest by Keith from Mind War - I've seen this article before over on Heresy Online, but when I saw it again on Mind War, well it had to be included. Wouldn't be a cheap conversion if you didn't have the parts, but if you do it will save you some monies.

Friday Quick Tip: OTT Lite Bulbs by Grey Death from The Painting Corps - Not much chance for me to get my hands on an OTT Lite bulb, but this has encouraged me to go looking for some white-white light bulbs. Also need to get my hand on some more appropriate lamps for painting.

Heavy Bolter Servitor by Brother Captain from The Bolter and Chainsword - This is just brilliant conversion. Instead of heavy bolters could use hunter killer missiles or some Rocker Launchers from the Imperial Guard range to create some cheap count as Devastators.

Repairing Damaged Models by Ron from FTW - Nothing overly exciting about this post, bit it may be helpful for someone out there. Remember to pin your metal miniatures and to use primer on all your miniatures. Also get yourself a decent quality transport case. Games Workshop has theirs, can get yourself a Battlefoam bag or you could go with any number of others like Sable or Feldherr.

4th Company Ultramarines Rhino (freehand motifs) by Side Streaker from 4th Company - I saw this in the latest Tuesday Top Ten by Ryan over at From The Warp. I'm glad that I found it, because the freehand is just stunning.

Colonel Shofer's Mild OCD Model Blog - This entire blog is filled with useful articles from around the blog-o-sphere. Especially everything on making rivets, something that I have been interested in for some time.

I hope everyone has a happy New Years. God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the engagement and the blog. Happy New Year as well!
