Friday, April 22, 2011

Weekly Finds #25

It is almost Easter, and I've already begun to enjoy the delicious taste of Bakers Delight hot cross buns. Also on clinical placement at the moment which is cutting into my hobby time. But I'm still going to play some games tonight...

Stupid Human Tricks (Part 1) by Danny Internets from Bald & Screaming - Danny has been missing in action for awhile now... too long to be honest. But he has returned to us with an offering. Much like in this article, he is aiming to educate players of all levels of skill. The next post in the series should be good...

Back To Basics - Painting Tools for the Beginner by Bid D from The Hogs of War - This is a great list to suggest to new painters that want some advice for their first purchase. And it seems like Testors Dullcote is the gold standard when it comes to matte varnish... so probably have to get some for myself. Especially, since I have a large collection of metal miniatures.

Sun Tsu And The Art of Stupid by Sandwyrm from The Back 40k - Very little doubt in my mind that this has been inspired by this abortion of an article over on BoLS.

Grey Knight: "Double Rock" by Kirby from 3++ is the new black - This list looks interesting, something I'd consider building if could collect enough unique looking Death Cult Assassins and Crusaders. Could use some miniatures from the Fantasy range or even some of the new Warhammer Forge miniatures.

Are you Blocking Yet? by Neil from 11th Company - This is more of a guide on the different ways to block your opponent's movement. This is something that MSU armies are very strong at doing. The more Rhinos/Chimer/Raiders you have to throw at your opponent. The longer it will take for them to get to where they want to go... your dictating their movement. Blocking isn't limited to just cheap vehicles and cheap squads. It can easily be done with elite units like the beautifully painted TH/SS Terminators pictured below...

Different tools for sponge weathering by Ron from FTW - The use of make up brush is brilliant and something I would never have considered. Going to give it a go at some point, especially since it sounds great for small surface areas like on troops.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you liked the tip, I thought it was a pretty cool idea myself despite the funny looks I got from my Wife and Daughter.

    Ron, From the Warp
