Saturday, April 02, 2011

Friday Night Internet Fight: Round 2.5 (feat. MoD)

Yes that is right my beloved imaginary friends, boys and girls, Unicorns and children of all ages! I have been immortalised in a Friday Night Internet Fight. I may not win this round, but at least Dethtron spelt my name correctly...


  1. Ok that's now 2 spelling references, when did I ever get your name wrong. I have ripped on you for not spelling messenger right before, but I try very hard to get screen names right, even when they're clearly wrong :)

  2. Hell yeah! My vote goes to you, man!

  3. @ Dethtron - common mistake people make is to spell Messanger the correct way... I was just happy you didn't spell it right (or is that wrong lol). People do the exact same thing with my actual name. Hope you guys are having a blast at Adepticon.

    @ The Antipope - Thanks dude! :)
