Thursday, October 07, 2010

Hall of Honour - The Geonide Crusade

The Geonide Crusade -

Geonide is a planet worthy of note due to the scientific research being conducted within the mile-high laboratory facilities that dot the planet's surface. Brilliant Adeptus Mechanicus minds work feverishly upon such important projects as new propulsion drives for the Imperial Navy and the latest laser technologies. Then there are the classified projects involving artefacts and relics of bygone eras. Whatever the work, all is done with the interest of furthering the cause of the Emperor. However, underlying all this approved research is the possibility that someone might dig into heretical subjects outside the boundaries set by the Imperium.

Open rebellion in Geonide's major cities erupted without warning, taking a heavy toll on the populace and priceless research facilities. Before long, the true cancer behind the unrest was revealed to be a newly formed coven of latent psykers tainted by the lies of Chaos. These rogue scientists had been used as puppets to unleash the unholy energies of ancient warp drives to open a rift in reality.

Within a year, 75% of the population had fallen to the warping influence of Chaos and an army of twisted humanity marched alongside cavorting Daemons and creatures most-foul. After exhausting all methods to reclaim the world, Exterminatus was finally called for and carried out by the Inquisition elements ever-present during the campaign. However, they stayed their hand while brave the Black Templars successfully retrieved invaluable artefacts, research documents, and important Imperial personnel from being swallowed up by the ruinous powers forever.

Crusade Veteran
Veteran status was difficult to earn during the course of the Geonide Crusade as it was only given out to a select few within each company. Generally, the ranks were awarded only to warriors who were part of Inquisitor-led raids with the aim of slaying Greater Daemons in a rather up-close and personal manner. A black "X" on a white background located on the left knee pad indicated such individuals.

Crusader Seals
Crusader Seals were quite prevalent during the Geonide Crusade. It was rare to find a Templar on the battlefield with less than five affixed to his armor, weaponry, backpacks, or other wargear. In addition to Crusader Seals, Purity Seals were administered by the Inquisition and Chaplains on a near weekly basis in an effort to preserve the sanctity and uphold the resolve of those Astartes involved.

Blessed Censors
Within Crusader Squads during the Crusade, three to five Initiates were almost guaranteed to have these Blessed Censors swinging from rear of their right shoulder pads. Filling the air with purified incense, these censors were believed to drive off lesser creatures of the Warp and affect the performance of those warp entities caught within the choking fumes.

Geonide Crusade Badge
As is the case in nearly every Crusade, a unique badge is designated to signal that a particular Initiate is involved in its operations. Here it is worn on the inner corner of the right shoulder pad as opposed to the standard leg application. The reason for this break in tradition is unknown. These badges often help to identify who's who when diplomatic or other duties call a warrior from the battlezone.

Disclaimer - All images and content taken from the Games Workshop website and will be removed if requested.

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