Monday, November 28, 2011

Music Monday - Zombie

Sitting at the computer deciding what I should do tonight. Finished the final exam for my degree the other week and now playing the waiting game for results to be posted. One subject has me nervous fingers crossed I don't fail and have to do a reassessment or worse. But I've now got a whole lot of free time on my hands. Something that I haven't had the pleasure of for well over three months.

There is some paper work on my desk that needs filling out for the job I've been offered next year.. waiting to find out my roster for work in retail over the Christmas holidays.. and then there is the battlefoam bag full of unpainted miniatures and boxes of unassembled miniatures.. plus meeting up with friends that have been left neglected due to university.

As for the title of this post... I'm currently going through my iPhone reacquainting myself with the music on it and I realised this wasn't on it.

As for what to do... think I'll also reacquaint myself with paint and brushes... need to redevelop the muscle memory and decide how I want to go about painting black after I stripped the painted of everything again. The miniatures by Mad Matt have completely changed my thoughts on painting black...

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