Friday, January 31, 2014

Weekly Finds

The Tyrant Rises by Tyler Mengel from the Bolter & Chainsword - Latest addition to his Astral Claw collection. These slow painting threads on Bolter & Chainsword are some of my favourite types. They aren't over-crowded with daily updates of table top quality paint jobs. Instead, you are treated to some weekly or monthly eye candy. And at some points in time, you get a squad shot or scenic picture that ties in months of previous work.

January's Do Not Miss by Volomir from Volomir's Blog - An amazing collection of articles from around the interwebz. The below conversion of Lelith Hesperax by Ringil is by far my favourite. Despite how horrendous Finecast has turned out to be, it didn't stop Ringil from having a go at this amazing sculpt. If anything, the flaws in Finecast forced him to do more than just have a go at painting the miniature. Also take a look at this banner...

No Answer to the Haterade by Tasty Taste from Blood of Kittens - This article states the obvious about two big things. Games Workshop has been hiding in their Silver Citadels thinking that White Dwarf and their Daily Blog are enough for customer interactions. Unfortunately the content is rather bland. And we aren't Amish so that isn't okay. And the other, with the interwebz, haters and fanbois can hide themselves away in their own little corners participating in a circle-jerk. This isn't unique to our little community. Take a look at political parties. This is known as an Echo Chamber and is one of the problems that has grown from the interwebz. Unfortunately, tackling these problems seems to be an impossible task...

Adrian Komarski's Tyranids featured on What's New Today... far from bland, but not even his great paint job saves the Daily Blog.

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