Friday, September 21, 2012

Weekly Finds #99

The interwebz is buzzing with rumours on the upcoming Chaos Space Marine release... after Dark Vengeance and the awesomeness that is Sixth Edition I can feel the excitement building. There were many that viewed Games Workshop inclusion of two power armed factions in the same box set as flawed. I can start to see their scheme trap behind it. Many players already have Loyalist Astartes... but between the awesome content of the box set and all of the new releases, I find it hard to imagine that there wont be a huge influx in Traitor Astartes especially with the allies rule.

Demetrius Katafalque's Company, Imperial Fists by Apologist from Bolter & Chainsword - Big fan of Apologist's true scale miniatures. Doubly true for this amazing looking Imperial Fist. The tutorial on how to paint the well weathered yellow can be found in this post. I'm curious as to how easy it would be to combine Tyler Mengel's method of painting yellow with this... may produce a quick, weathered yellow. Or it might be a little too bright... also learnt a new word in the form of trompe l'oeil.

Leaked Chaos Space Marine Pictures by Loken from Apocalypse 40K - I got my White Dwarf today. So I've seen these pictures in the flesh. Being able to see multiple pictures of these miniatures has helped cement some of my feelings. I like the Aspiring Champion and the Finecast Characters. I'm not a fan of the daemon engines. They just fall flat when compared to what Forge World has been offering. Although the Heldrake and Maulerfiend are still nice. Pre-release details on kits can be found here. A lot of the info and images have been compiled over on Faeit 212.

Leaked Chaos Space Marine Rules by Old School Terminator from Dark Future Games - Can get some ideas on what the new Codex offers by looking at the White Dwarf. Specifically the battle report... I suspect the Warsmith will be a popular addition with his ability to repair vehicles and hopefully daemon engines.

How to Paint The Flawless Host by Ron from FTW - With Sonic Weapons ignoring Cover Saves there will be a fair few Noise Marine armies... so this tutorial is great. It has some similarities to Tyler Mengel's tutorial on painting yellow. Using a light base coat and applying glazes to add the colour. Ron's suggestion on using reds to add depth is something I'd like to try. Note that Ron is actually talking about glazing...

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