Friday, September 14, 2012

Weekly Finds #98

I've had the past week off work. Would think there would be a pile of built and possibly painted miniatures to show for it. Unsurprisingly that isn't the case...

Games Day Australia 2012 by Gotthammer from Collegia Titanica - This years was my first time attending Games Day. It didn't meet the expectations I've developed over the years from reading White Dwarf and then the interwebz. Mainly as there wasn't any sneak peeks or previews. Would have been very easy for Games Workshop to have done the pre-announcements for Forge World's Horus Heresy book and the reborn White Dwarf on the day. I also missed out on getting tickets to the seminars. They may be hiring a bigger room for next year. Fortunately, Gotthammer managed to attended all of the seminars and wrote up a summary. I've added some of my own points in the comments section... including things that Gotthammer didn't mention regarding the Forge World seminar. They had some standing room in the back. Bell of Lost Souls has used some of my comments and credited them with Gotthammer... once again they demonstrate the finer points of yellow journalism.

LXII Legion Auxilia by 1000heathens from The Bolter & Chainsword - These guys may not match Tyler Mengel's Astral Claws in paint job quality. However, 1000heathens has an amazing skill at converting miniatures. His Marines Malevolent are a great example of this skill. I particularly like the miniature pictured below. Curious what 1000heathens used for the rivets...

How to Paint Dark Vengeance Deathwing Armour by LilLoser from LilLegend Studio - This is part one of what looks to be a promising series. The guys over at Massive Voodoo achieved a similiar result using hair spray and salt. They posted a video tutorial on YouTube. This style of weathering is not limited to those with an airbrush. There is an abundance of coloured spray cans, such as Army Painter, that offer a simplified approach.

How to Paint Dark Angels Hard and Fast by Ron from FTW - This is far from 'Eavy Metal standards. However, it fits into something that Mark Bedford talked about at Games Day last weekend... develop a paint style that produces miniatures in a short period of time. The 'Eavy Metal team spend 7 hours a day painting Studio miniatures. They have the luxury to paint a single squad or regiment in two weeks. For the rest of us that would be soul destroying as Mark Bedford put it.

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