Friday, July 22, 2011

Weekly Finds #38

Despite it being a relatively lazy week in real life, I haven't been keeping my eyes open for articles. So this week there really isn't all that much to show...

How To: Breaking Bubble-wrap by Kirby from The Pinktastic Blog - A somewhat complex concept is simplified with the use of pictures. This article could benefit from a follow up which shows a few other examples to help reinforce the points being made. For those curious, here is the article on tank shocking that Kirby mentioned without providing a link bad Kirby.

Footdar: An Experiemnt by Stelek from YTTH - At first glance this list looks like it doesn't have much punch. But from the sounds of it, large squads of beasts can be very dangerous to vehicles. In saying that, it doesn't feel balanced... has more of a rock-paper-scissors feel to it.

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