Friday, July 26, 2013

Weekly Finds

Last Minute Golden Demon Entry by Tyler M from Mengel Miniatures - A beautiful diorama for the UK Golden Daemons. Although I like the new Space Marine Captains that have come out for Apocalpyse... I have never been much a fan of non-combat poses for gaming pieces. Some of the Captains look like they are giving pre-battle speeches or the such. However, with a simple head swap and a sword Tyler has given me some ideas.

Pre-Heresy Death Guard by Durfast Spiritwolf from the Bolter & Chainsword - Another Horus Heresy collection to add to my growing list of must watch... I normally am not a fan of the Mk II armour due to the weird legs. However, it seems perfect for Death Guard.

Chapter of the Ruined King by noctus cornix from the Bolter & Chainsword - I'm loving the background fluff for this Horus Heresy collection. But what really jumps out at me is the Raptors. The combined use of the new Raptor bodies, the old Jump Packs and World Eater helmets is brilliant.

Huge Mistake by Gotthammer from Collegia Titanica - A departure from the usual look associated with the Brass Scorpion.  It is neither brass nor red. However, this approach could be used to create a cohesive look for several different daemon engines... although, painting all those lines and circles would drive anybody insane. But then that is what happens when you meddle with warp things.

Sons of Mortarion by Midian from the Bolter & Chainsword - And another Death Guard collection to keep an eye on. Especially if they turn out anything like Midian's Maze of Minotaurs...

The Truth About Cover Saves by Matt-Shadowlord from the Pinktastic Blog - A depart from this weeks looks at traitors, rebels and all around bad guys to look at Cover Saves... although, this tutorial on painting concrete features a depraved Dark Eldar.

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