Tuesday, March 01, 2011


I stumbled across this over on Yes The Truth Hurts. It is something similar, but completely different, to a blog roll. It is instead an index that gives bloggers and interwebz users the chance to browse a range of different blogs. .

With From the Warp blog roll no longer being updated, this will likely become it's replacement. It will help bring together the community by breaking alot of barriers. Enable bloggers to access sites they normally wouldn't come across. Painters can now find gaming resources, while Gamers can now find top quality painting resources. It may also come in handy for players who are entering a new system such as Warmachines or Fantasy.

There are some minor issues with it. The biggest issue is the way the blogs are organised. Have a look at the 40K Blog page. There are alot of different blogs in that list... and it will only get bigger as the index becomes more popular. Navigating is a hassle/messy. For example, to find Yes The Truth Hurts you will need to scroll down the page until you find the Y's.

The other issue that jumps out at me is the lack of information on each blog. Users have to click on the screen shot to find out what the blog is about, the quality of work and how often it gets updated. Gareth the creator of the BlogDex has acknowledge that something is being planned. And I can appreciate the hassle associated with managing 300+ blogs.

My only suggestion would be to enable users to rate/recommend/like the blogs they visit. For example, sites like YTTHs and 3++ will have a higher rating/recommendation/likes compared to sites like Imperial Life. This will help keep user informed on what is potentially the best sites under each category.

If you haven't already clicked on the link and thus ignoring my ramblings now is your chance to escape. Click the link and enjoy.

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